Ever wonder why Semaglutide is making waves in weight management?
Hormones act as messengers, traveling through the bloodstream, to regulate growth, metabolism, mood, reproduction, and many other functions. They are chemicals in the body
Placebo helps distinguist what works best for people. This treatment has technically no effect that is used in research to compare how well a drug or other treatment works.
Metabolic Rate This is the rate at which your body uses energy to do basic things such as breathing, regulating your body temperature, and circulating blood.
Type 2 Diabetes This is an acquired condition where a person’s body has become resistant to insulin. A lifestyle change can reverse of improve Type 2 Diabetes and this is done by drastic weight loss, changes in diet and lifestyle shifts.

Factors affecting weight:
cultural background
medical conditions and disability
mental illness – which can affect appetite and motivation to shop and cook healthy food or be active
some medicines – which can increase appetite or slow the metabolism
eating disorders
drugs, tobacco, or/and alcohol
where people live, go to school and work
the media
availability of convenience foods
portion sizes
time pressures – which can make it hard to cook healthy meals and exercise
shift work – due to disrupted sleep and eating patterns
inadequate sleep – people who sleep less than 6 hours a night are more likely to gain weight

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, insulin resistance risk factors include:
Weight - Being overweight or obese, especially having excess body fat in the belly and around the organs
Age - 45 or older
Genetics - Having a parent or sibling with diabetes
Ethnicity - African American, Alaska Native, American Indian, Asian American, Hispanic/Latino, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander American
Physical inactivity
Health conditions High blood pressure and abnormal cholesterol levels, heart disease
History of gestational diabetes
Sources: Bergmann NC, Davies MJ, Lingvay I, Knop FK. Semaglutide for the treatment of overweight and obesity: A review. Diabetes Obesity Metabolism. 2023;25(1):18-35. doi:10.1111/dom.14863